whoa. crazy. I don’t feel good…

The title of this makes me laugh a little because these are some of the first things Ty said when we found out we’re pregnant. Being 12 weeks in now, how do I remember that? We filmed it of course! We had been praying for and anticipating this baby for quite some time, so when the month came that I realized I was late, we knew we wanted to do something special to capture the moment we found out we were pregnant. There are all these great and cute and crafty ideas floating around the internet that had my mind reeling over how we could share the news with family in a way that was both special and memorable. The problem was that I am impatient, we are on a budget (so anything too crafty had not been budgeted for), and I am not really all that crafty to begin with. So, videotaping it sounded like the best, fastest and cheapest option. Ty, being the reasonable and practical one in our marriage, started asking questions about how I would feel if we found out we weren’t pregnant. I hated that thought, and I think there was a part of me that just knew that I was. But, I told him that if we did face that reality, he would be in charge of deleting the video as quickly as possible, comforting me while I cried, and running to the store for ice cream and oreos. Luckily, that didn’t happen. Here’s what did:

I love this video. I think I’ve watched it 80 times. It is sweet and awkward and us. These are some of the things I love about watching this:

  • My reaction. I don’t think I realized how much I wanted this baby until I saw those two blue lines starring back at me. I had no idea I would cry, but I love seeing my reaction. Watching myself cry makes me cry every time I see it 🙂
  • Ty’s reaction. Again, as the title points out, some of his first words were “whoa. crazy. I don’t feel good.” I think that is his way of saying “Holy crap I didn’t think we’d get pregnant that fast” and “Hooray!” all at the same time. At least that is my interpretation of it.
  • Ty’s thumbs up to the camera. I was completely unaware of this and seeing it as we watched it back for the first time cracked me up.
  • The cuisinart box that briefly comes in to screen. We found out we were pregnant a few weeks before my sister in law was getting married and knew we wanted to tell her and her fiance the good news. But that cuisinart box is actually their wedding present and I was convinced they were going to see it in the video. I actually said a prayer that they wouldn’t notice it before showing them the video.
  • My awkward attempt at a joke…about my pee…Why did I say that?! And now it is forever on video for me to cringe at. Oh well, just keeping it real I guess.
  • Ty’s awkward comments about our sex life, and then the clarification that comes just after. At least we’re both awkward. Something I am sure this baby will inherit too.
  • How dang hot Ty looks at the end of the video. Seriously. I am a crying mess and he looks like a male model. Not fair. I expect photos from the hospital after our child arrives will be remarkably similar. Note to self to remember blush, waterproof mascara and a comb in the hospital bag.
  • How giggly I am. I seemed to laugh through the entire video. I’m beyond thrilled for this adventure and it shows from the minute we found out. I’ll revisit this thought again when I have a toddler throwing a tantrum one day…

8 responses to “whoa. crazy. I don’t feel good…

  1. Grampa Hugh Hiller

    How incredibly awesome!!!!! You two will never know how excited and proud great-grampa is for the two of you!!! Thank you for this awesome way to share with family!!!!

  2. Mark & Cindy/Dad & Mom

    This will be fun! Great idea! We are so excited to be grandparents, by the way. 🙂

  3. Katie Andrews

    Hahaha! I guess that I really didn’t watch the Video the first time because the second I saw the Prego blue lines I leaped out of my chair! No time to even think about what else was on the video! Hahaha! It was fun to watch it again! Way to go kids! And I can’t wait to meet Baby T!

  4. Elise

    This is adorable, and the two of you are so stinking cute! (you wouldnt be so cute, if you werent a little awkward;)) I am so happy for you, and it is SO fun to be able to watch this special moment in your lives. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Steve Lynch

    Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Trimble! Mallory’s reaction is just as sweet and tender as I expected. Sharing this intimate moment with people who love you is so generous and remarkable. Ty’s gentle and wonder-filled reaction was so sincere. You are blessed.

  6. Ty and Mallory, what wonderful news and I so love your reaction!! I had a feeling before I checked your blog, that this was the exciting news.

    Mallory, I have such fond and wonderful memories of our times we spent together, getting to know each other and I will always cherish it. What a creative way to record cherished memories.

    I wish you every happiness and a joyful healthy pregnancy and know you will make wonderful parents, because the Lord is is with you and you both are so special!!

    Love you lot’s, Judy CONGRATULATIONS!!

  7. Kimberley Boyle

    Oh my goodness! SO excited for you two! Brought me right back to when Scott and I found out we were expecting Jessica. Love you two and thanks for sharing! ❤

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